Ray of Hope

We have moved - We are now located at:
2709 Sungold Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89134
Our Phone and Fax numbers are the same.


Acceptance Mark

2709 Sungold Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Ph: (702) 485-0656
Fax : (702) 254-4443

www.rayofhopelv.org   JeriLFischer@embarqmail.com



flowersWelcome to the Ray of Hope Foundation


The Ray of Hope Foundation was established to benefit underprivileged and special needs children in the greater Las Vegas area.  It is our hope that through your support, we have a positive impact on the lives of children and prepare them for a wonderful future.


Education is our main concern.  So many families do not have the resources available to adequately prepare their children for school.  Supplies are expensive and teacher's resources are limited.


We work to help ease these burdens, and see that children have what they need to ensure proper education and opportunities to help them rise above their challenges.


We are asking for your support to provide school supplies, art supplies and books; plus funds for programs, school uniforms and field trips.

Join the "Ray of Hope" team and help kids learn so that they can lead.



GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

Here's a new easy way to raise money for The Ray of Hope Foundation. Just start using Yahoo! powered GoodSearch.com as your search engine and they'll donate about a penny every time you do a search!

In addition, do all of your shopping through their online shopping mall, GoodShop.com, where you can shop at more than 900 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to the charity or school of your choice. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation goes to this cause!

You can read more about GoodSearch in the NY Times, Oprah Magazine, CNN, ABC News and the Wall Street Journal.



From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.
~ Arthur Ashe

Help support our schools by sending us your "Box Tops for Education" and "Labels for Education".  Learn more about these programs and participating companies by clicking on the program logo.

Campbell's Labels for Education



"No one has ever become poor by giving" ~ Anne Frank

Copyright 2008-2012.  All Rights Reserved.  Ray of Hope Foundation, Las Vegas, Nevada  ∙ Website development and hosting donated by www.DataDesignLV.com